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100+ Birds Name In Hindi-English (पक्षियों के नाम)

Birds Name In Hindi-English : पक्षियों के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में सिखने वाले है, पक्षी पृथ्वी पर सबसे मनोरम प्राणियों में से हैं, जो अपने गीतों, जीवंत पंखों और असाधारण व्यवहार से हमें मंत्रमुग्ध कर देते हैं। चाहे आप शौकीन पक्षी प्रेमी हों या हमारे पंख वाले दोस्तों के बारे में जानने में उत्सुक हों, हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में पक्षियों के नाम जानने से इन खूबसूरत प्राणियों के बारे में आपकी समझ और सराहना बढ़ सकती है।

Birds Name In Hindi-English

इस लेख में, हम आपको भारत में आमतौर पर पाई जाने वाली 25 से अधिक पक्षी प्रजातियों के नामों की खोज करते हुए एक पक्षीविज्ञान यात्रा पर ले जाएंगे। आप न केवल हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों में नाम सीखेंगे बल्कि भारतीय संस्कृति में उनके निवास स्थान, विशेषताओं और महत्व के बारे में बहुमूल्य जानकारी भी प्राप्त करेंगे।

100+ Birds Name In Hindi-English (पक्षियों के नाम)

Birds come in a dazzling array of shapes, sizes, and colors. Understanding their names in Hindi and English is a great way to connect with the natural world. Below, we've compiled a list of some fascinating bird species, providing their names in both languages:
Hindi Name (पक्षी का नाम)English Name
कौआ (Kauwa)Crow
मैना (Maina)Starling
पेड़ स्पर्शी पक्षी (Ped Sparshi Pakshi)Woodpecker
गौरेया (Gauraiya)Sparrow
मोर (Mor)Peacock
चिड़िया (Chidiya)Sparrow
गरुड़ (Garud)Eagle
कबूतर (Kabootar)Pigeon
मुर्गा (Murga)Rooster
उल्लू (Ullu)Owl
क्रैन (Crane)Crane
बतख (Batak)Duck
शाही मुर्गा (Shahi Murga)Peacock
कोयल (Koyal)Nightingale
बुलबुल (Bulbul)Bulbul
सारस (Saras)Heron
बाज (Baaz)Hawk
परिंदा (Parinda)Bird
गुलाबी बटेर (Gulabi Bater)Pink Pigeon
नीलकंठ (Neelkanth)Indian Roller
फ्लेमिंगो (Flamingo)Flamingo
मगरमच्छ (Magarmach)Crocodile
गोंद (Gond)Pochard
अंकुश बतख (Ankush Batak)Canvasback

Birds Name In Hindi-English (पक्षियों के नाम)

The Significance of Bird Names

In India, birds have not only been a source of fascination but have also held cultural and spiritual significance for centuries. Many birds are associated with Hindu mythology and are considered sacred.

  • Peacock (मोर): The peacock is the national bird of India and symbolizes grace and beauty. It is associated with Lord Krishna and is often depicted in Indian art and dance forms.
  • Eagle (गरुड़): Garuda, the mythical eagle, is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. The eagle represents power and protection.
  • Sparrow (गौरेया): Sparrows are believed to be the messengers of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Their presence is considered auspicious.
  • Owl (उल्लू): Owls are associated with Goddess Lakshmi as well, signifying wisdom and prosperity.

Understanding the names and cultural significance of these birds adds depth to our appreciation of Indian heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the importance of knowing bird names in Hindi and English?

Knowing bird names in both languages allows you to communicate about these creatures effectively, whether you're discussing them with fellow enthusiasts or trying to identify them in the wild.

2. Are all birds in India mentioned in this article?

While we've covered a wide range of bird species, India boasts incredible biodiversity. There are many more bird species beyond the scope of this article.

3. Can you provide some bird-watching tips for beginners?

Certainly! Start with common birds, invest in a good pair of binoculars, and join local bird-watching groups for guidance and camaraderie.

4. How can I attract birds to my garden?

Plant native trees and shrubs, provide fresh water, and set up bird feeders. Patience is key; birds will gradually find your garden.

5. Which bird is considered the most majestic in India?

The peacock (मोर) is often celebrated as the most majestic bird in India due to its vibrant plumage and cultural significance.

6. What is the significance of bird names in Indian culture?

Bird names in Indian culture often have deep-rooted spiritual and mythological connections, making them a fascinating aspect of the country's heritage.


Birds Name In Hindi-English (पक्षियों के नाम) offers a window into the captivating world of avian creatures. By knowing their names in Hindi and English, you not only gain linguistic insights but also connect with India's rich cultural tapestry. Birds are not just feathered beings; they are integral to our ecosystems and culture.